Jumat, 08 Maret 2024

Is Prompt Engineering a Passing Fad? New Research Suggests Model Optimization Outperforms Humans - xwijaya

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Is Prompt Engineering a Passing Fad? New Research Suggests Model Optimization Outperforms Humans

Is Prompt Engineering a Passing Fad? New Research Suggests Model Optimization Outperforms Humans
Illustration: github.com

Since ChatGPT dropped in the fall of 2022, prompt engineering has become a popular practice among users of large language models (LLMs) to enhance their results. Prompt engineering involves finding clever ways to phrase queries to LLMs to get the desired output. However, new research suggests that prompt engineering may not be as effective as previously thought. In fact, the study indicates that allowing the model to optimize its own prompts may yield better results.

chain of thought prompt
Illustration: www.youtube.com

In a study conducted by researchers at VMware, it was found that prompt engineering techniques yielded inconsistent results. Different strategies, such as using chain-of-thought prompting or positive prompts, had varying effects on LLM performance. The researchers concluded that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to prompt engineering. What works for one model may not work for another, emphasizing the need for model-specific optimization.

The study also explored the possibility of having the model optimize its own prompts. New tools have been developed to automate this process, allowing the model to find the optimal phrase to feed into the LLM. The researchers found that in almost every case, the model-generated prompts outperformed the best human-engineered prompts. Additionally, the process of generating prompts algorithmically was much faster compared to manual optimization.

NeuroPrompts image generation
Illustration: www.frontiersin.org

Prompt engineering is not limited to language models but can also be applied to image-generation algorithms. A team at Intel Labs developed a tool called NeuroPrompts, which automatically enhances simple prompts to create visually stunning images. The tool utilizes reinforcement learning to optimize prompts based on aesthetic criteria. Once again, the automatically generated prompts surpassed the prompts created by human experts.

While the research suggests that model optimization may outperform prompt engineering, it does not mean that prompt-engineering jobs will become obsolete. Adapting generative AI models for commercial use requires a range of tasks beyond prompt engineering. Companies are now considering new job titles, such as Large Language Model Operations (LLMOps), which encompass all the necessary tasks for deploying AI products. The field of prompt engineering is expected to continue evolving alongside AI models.


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