Kamis, 28 Maret 2024

Can Offshore Wind and Critically Endangered Right Whales Coexist? - xwijaya

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Can Offshore Wind and Critically Endangered Right Whales Coexist?

Can Offshore Wind and Critically Endangered Right Whales Coexist
Illustration: www.realclearenergy.org

There are four main concerns regarding the coexistence of offshore wind developments and critically endangered right whales. First, the increased presence of boats in the water near wind farms raises the risk of ship strikes. Second, there is a possibility of more right whales getting entangled in marine debris from wind farms. Third, wind farms may affect the copepods, a food source for right whales, by altering ocean circulation. Finally, exposure to noise during construction could lead to hearing impairment and stress for right whales. However, research is being conducted to address these concerns.

In recent years, misinformation about offshore wind killing right whales has spread online. Local groups, such as Nantucket Residents for Whales, have formed to voice concerns about whales. However, researchers have found connections between these groups and bigger think tanks and conservative donors who oppose climate policy. Climate change is a significant threat to right whales, as it affects their food sources and exposes them to more risks from boats and gear entanglement.

While some right whale scientists express unease about the risks of offshore wind, they emphasize the greater risks posed by climate change. Stormy Mayo from the Center for Coastal Studies acknowledges his concerns about offshore wind but believes it is necessary to combat the impacts of climate change on the ocean. Scientists urge attention to solving entanglement and boat collision issues rather than demonizing offshore wind.

Offshore wind developers have implemented measures to protect right whales, such as limiting noise, adjusting boat speeds, and scheduling major construction outside of migration seasons. The government is also working to establish regulations to ensure these protections. Continued funding for research and adherence to best practices are crucial to ensuring the safety of right whales and maximizing the potential of offshore wind farms as climate change mitigation tools.

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